Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

The Agents of Change

The Agents of Change by Dr. Patti Amsden
Beliefs – the stuff of which civilizations are formed. Beliefs – the catalysts from which movements are spawned. Beliefs – the causes for which men live and die. Differing beliefs about the nature of reality, ethics, and values lead to differing behaviors. The dominant belief of a collective people or of the leaders of a country will drive that culture. All of life grows from, is maintained by, and bears the fruit of mankind’s beliefs.

For example, a Marxist worldview gained a standing in the arena of ideas via the writings of Karl Marx in the late 1800’s. Marx postulated that the group in power propagated oppression upon those not in power. The elite authoritarians were charged with societal and fiscal evils. Liberation of the underprivileged working class, the proletariat, became the goal of the Marxist mindset; and those ideological axioms gave rise to systems of government, commerce, and various social structures.

Marxist belief generated communistic cultures including Leninism and Trotskyism in Russia or Maoism in China. Although the economic application of Marxism, with its materialistic worldview, failed to produce strong financial systems as it had promised, the ideology stills augurs its viability. The belief did not crumble with the Berlin Wall. It lives today codified as ‘multiculturalism’, ‘political correctness,’ and even ‘cultural Marxism.’

The basic belief of class warfare between the have and have-nots, the aristocratic and the hoi polloi, the rule-givers and those proles governed by the privileged continues with a present-day cultural emphasis. Minority groups such as women, African-Americans, Hispanics, and homosexuals fall under the category of those oppressed while groups identified as male, white, Euro-centric, heterosexual, capitalist, and even Christian become labeled as the oppressors.

Social Marxism has the same goals as Economic Marxism: a cultural revolution to dethrone the ruling class who propagate traditional ideas, liberate the common class with promises of equality and utopia, and inaugurate change under the title of social liberation. Marxism is a belief that manifests in actions. Beliefs do not remain isolated in academia nor are they only specimens to be examined under the microscope of rhetorical or philosophical meanderings. If social Marxism is alive in the United States, then a cultural revolution is the goal of those who embrace that maxim.

Anyone who announces that they are committed to being an agent of change is proclaiming that they will dismantle one set of axioms and replace those presuppositions with opposing and contradicting beliefs. The promise of change is prevalent on the American political and societal landscape. The discerning citizen must ask which belief will be outdated and which ideology will provide the infrastructure for the new world.

Not all beliefs are equal. There is an elitism of ideas because some are superior to others. The question begs to be answered: if fiscal Marxism did not work in Germany or Russia, will social Marxism work in the States? What our nation believes will determine the nation we will become.

Senin, 05 Juli 2010

The Lord is Thinking About You Right Now

The Lord is Thinking About You Right Now by James Ryle
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Have you ever prayed something like this: “Lord, I know what you must be thinking about me right now,” and then began to tell Him what you were actually thinking about yourself? We all do this. We condemn ourselves for the mistakes we have made and resolve within ourselves that it must be what the Lord thinks of us.

But, this is a wrong thing to do! We have got to stop “putting our words in the Lord’s mouth.” We must come to know the Lord as He is, and not as we assume Him to be. We must let Him put HIS words in our mouths.

Listen to what the Lord says about Himself in the words of Jeremiah, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11). And in the writings of Isaiah, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8,9).

In other words – God thinks more highly of us than we think of ourselves. And God’s plans for us are greater than the plans we would set for ourselves.

Yet something within us makes us believe that God is always angry with us, always ready to “smite us, yea, and that right early!” We tread softly in His presence and cower when we pray, for we dare not rouse Him from slumber lest He strike us with His rod of righteous judgment — O bless His Holy Name!

Now I ask you honestly, how in the world can you have any kind of a meaningful relationship with someone like that? You CAN’T! And that’s precisely why so few really know the Lord.

Why not right now reintroduce yourself to the Lord. And ask Him to reintroduce Himself to you. Start afresh and live in the delight of knowing that His thoughts of you are of peace, and not of evil. And then you will discover, that your thoughts of Him are of peace — and not evil.

Minggu, 20 Juni 2010


Hi guys,

Kalau tidak kenal maka kita tidak sayang, bukan? Pada saat ini saya (Dave Broos) ingin membagikan info mengenai anak-anak punk, mengapa kita perlu berdoa bagi mereka. Saya sebagai salah satu pelayan Tuhan yang dipanggil untuk melayani kaum seperti ini hendak membagikan hal ini hingga doa kita lebih spesifik. Kita tidak sembarangan berlari atau sembarangan memukul tetapi berdoa dengan tepat pada sasaran sebab sudah diperlengkapi dengan informasi.
BEBERAPA waktu lalu, media televisi kita menayangkan mengenai keberadaan punk di Indonesia. Menarik. Cuma, sayang, yang ditampilkan masih sangat terbatas pada fashion dan musiknya. Mungkin karena keterbatasan waktu atau, memang itulah yang paling menarik untuk ditampilkan. Cuma, apa betul kalau punk itu only fashion and
music (hanya tentang cara berpakaia dan musik)?
Dalam kamus bahasa Indonesia, punk diartikan sebagai anak muda yang masih "hijau", tidak berpengalaman, atau tidak berarti. Bahkan diartikan juga sebagai orang yang ceroboh, sembrono, dan ugal-ugalan. Istilah tersebut sebetulnya kurang menggambarkan makna punk secara keseluruhan.
Dalam "Philosophy of Punk", Craig O'Hara (1999) menyebut tiga definisi punk. Pertama, punk sebagai trend remaja dalam fashion dan musik. Kedua, punk sebagai keberanian memberontak dan melakukan perubahan. Terakhir, punk sebagai bentuk perlawanan yang "hebat" karena menciptakan musik, gaya hidup, komunitas, dan kebudayaan sendiri.
Definisi pertama adalah definisi yang paling umum digambarkan oleh media. Tapi justru yang paling tidak akurat karena hanya menggambarkan kesannya saja.
Sebagai sebuah subkultur, punk muncul di Amerika akhir tahun 1960-an atau awal tahun 1970-an dan muncul di Inggris pertengahan tahun 1970-an. Kemunculannya di Inggris diawali dengan berkembangnya berbagai kebudayaan khas kelas pekerja sebelumnya seperti Mods dan Rockers (pertengahan tahun 1960-an), Glamrock dan Glitter (awal tahun 1970- an) sampai akhirnya Punk (pertengahan tahun 1970-an). Punk sebagai
suatu pergerakan baru nampak pada akhir tahun 1970-an.
Kalau di Indonesia punk muncul sebagai sebuah imitasi, di negara leluhurnya, punk merupakan respon terhadap situasi (pengangguran, kondisi sosial) saat itu. Keberadaan mereka nampak menonjol di pusat-pusat pertokoan dan pusat interaksi sosial lainnya. Grup musik pengusungnya berkembang di pub-pub. Di Inggris, mereka biasa berkumpul di sebuah toko di sudut King's Road, London yang dikenal dengan sebutan "World's End". Toko itu bernama SEX yang merupakan wujud perlawanan terhadap standar nilai yang berlaku dalam masyarakat.
Dan, rasanya kurang klop kalau bicara tentang punk tanpa menyebut The Sex Pistols. Grup punk rock ini tampil cukup mengejutkan. Lagunya, God Save The Queen (lagu kebangsaan yang mereka gubah) dan Anarchy In The UK yang antikeluarga kerajaan dan menginginkan kebebasan sangat berpengaruh terhadap kaum remaja saat itu. Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, komunitas punk mulai memproduksi newsletter dan fanzine sendiri. "Sniffin Glue" adalah fanzine pertama yang mencapai penjualan tertinggi dan paling terinspirasi dengan filosofi Do-It-Yourself (Hebdige, 1976).
DIY memang memberikan kontribusi yang besar bagi gerakan punk berikutnya dan banyak diadaptasi oleh komunitas punk di seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Anarkisme juga sangat lekat dalam gerakan punk. Band pertama yang serius dengan paham ini adalah Crass.
Menurut mereka anarki melambangkan keinginan individu untuk hidup dan bebas menentukan pilihan tapi tetap menjaga kepercayaan dan toleransi. So guys no one is more qualified than you are to decide what your life will be. Keep punk alive.*** (Jadi saudara-saudaraku tidak ada seorangpun yang lebih berkualifikasi daripada dirimu sendiri untuk memutuskan seperti apa dirimu jadinya. Biarlah punk tetap hidup).
Anak punk juga butuh Yesus bahkan tidak sedikit yang cinta Tuhan tetapi anti gereja karena mereka dimusuhi hanya "gara2 penampilan".
Kita bisa memaklumi orang Jawa menggunakan blankon, kita bisa memaklumi ibu yang menggunakan baju kebaya, menilik gereja di pedalaman Papua orang beribadah menggunakan koteka bukanlah sesuatu yang tabu, dstnya..dstnya. Lebih jauh lagi kita juga mempelajari latar belakang budaya suatu suku dan coba menyampaikan berita Injil dalam cara komunikasi yang paling mudah untuk diterima oleh “suatu suku tersebut” hingga kita melihat berdirinya gereja-gereja berciri kesukuan atau pada masa kini gereja yang terbuka pada berbagai suku, ras dan golongan. Tetapi ketika kaum subkultur (punk, gothic, skaters, bikers,dll) hendak masuk gereja, banyak yang mengalami penolakan.
Kerinduan kami anak-anak subkultur dapat diterima sebagai anak Tuhan sebagaimana adanya oleh anak-anak Tuhan lainnya dan hal yang kedua kerinduan kami melihat sebuah komunitas yang dapat mengakomodasi mereka beribadah tanpa suatu penghakiman.
Saya mendorong rekan-rekan seiman untuk mulai berdoa syafaat untuk mereka juga.

Ps. Dave Broos

Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010


Dear Saudara-saudariku seiman,

Hai ini Dave Broos, kami sekeluarga baru pindah ke kota Kembang, Bandung. Hati kami
sekeluarga mendapatkan panggilan untuk melayani kaum subkultur/underground, yang selama ini mungkin belum tersentuh oleh gereja pada umumnya. Bagi anda yang belum mengerti orang jenis apa yang hendak secara spesifik kami layani diantaranya adalah kaum punk, gothic, skaters, bikers, anak-anak geng, orang-orang jalanan, dll. Setelah 19 tahun kami melayani di gereja mainstream, kami merasakan panggilan Tuhan bagi kaum yang selama ini terpinggirkan.
Dan sangat sulit untuk membawa mereka ke gereja pada umumnya, saat saya berdoa bagi mereka, saya merasakan bahwa kini saatnya bukan membawa mereka ke gereja tetapi membawa gereja kepada mereka. Ada banyak orang yang merindukan Kristus namun mereka enggan pergi ke gereja pada umumnya sebab merasa berdosa, tidak layak, terasing dan dicurigai karena penampilan mereka yang berbeda.
Saya teringat sebuah pengalaman di tahun 1992 ketika saya melayani di sebuah gereja sebagai seorang full-timer dan seorang pelacur pelabuhan masuk. Pandangan sinis dengan penuh kecurigaan terbersit dari tatapan para jemaat dan bahkan para pelayan Tuhan, tidak ada orang yang mau menyapa atau duduk bersebelahan dengannya. Ketika
saya berbicara pada para rekan full-timer yang wanita untuk menemani dan membimbing pelacur itu, mereka pun enggan mendekati dan takut apa nanti kata jemaat lainnya. Hingga akhirnya saya mendatangi dan menyapa pelacur itu, duduk di sebelahnya dan menyambut kedatangannya. Sesaat tampak kekakuan dan tembok pertahanannya
mencair ketika ada seorang yang datang dan menyambutnya dalam kasih Kristus yang tulus. Bukankah Kristus pun disebut sahabat orang berdosa? (Matius 11:14)
Di dalam pelayanan saya beberapa tahun ini , saya melihat bagaimana pemabuk, narapidana, pelacur jalanan, wanita panggilan kelas atas, dll datang pada Kristus ketika kita membuka diri, menerima mereka apa adanya di dalam kasih Kristus, tanpa menghakimi mereka dan pada waktu Tuhan, mereka datang pada Tuhan dalam pertobatan tanpa manipulasi atau intimidasi emosi, sebuah pertobatan sejati yang membuat sebuah hidup diubahkan.
Saat ini kami melangkah dengan iman memasuki pelayanan yang baru, banyak orang yang mempertanyakan buat apa kami melayani orang-orang yang aneh itu. Ini sebagian contoh dari komentar beberapa rekan tercinta : "Mereka hanya akan menjadi sumber masalah dan beban bagi kalian sekeluarga". "Ada lagi yang mengatakan apa timbal baliknya? Mereka tidak akan dapat menghidupi keluargamu malah nanti menyulitkan kamu." "Jangan sok jadi pahlawan!" "Kamu terlalu idealis, nanti susah sendiri hidupmu." "Pelayananmu itu tidak popular, tidak akan ada orang yang mau mendukungmu, kecuali yang sama anehnya dengan dirimu." "You are alone, man." Apapun yang dikatakan mereka, saya tahu bahwa semuanya diucapkan karena mereka mengasihi kami sekeluarga, namun itu tidak akan menghentikan kami untuk melakukan apa yang Tuhan taruhkan di dalam hati ini.
Ada pun tujuan saya menuliskan surat ini adalah untuk share dengan saudara-saudaraku seiman, pertama-tama mungkin bila ada teman-teman yang sudah terjun dalam pelayanan subkultur dapat berbagi cerita/pengalaman pelayanan sebab selama ini saya hanya memiliki teman-teman dari luar negeri yang memang sudah terjun dalam pelayanan jenis ini, yang tentunya secara kultural sedikit berbeda dengan subkultur di Indonesia.
Selain itu hal yang kedua kami juga tengah mempersiapkan sebuah program "street ministry" sebagai contoh dimana kami merencanakan hendak membagi-bagikan pakaian bekas yang masih layak pakai, makanan & minuman yang sehat bagi para gelandangan dan pengobatan gratis secara periodik, sebagai sarana untuk menjembatani "friendship
evangelism". Jadi kami akan sangat senang bila saat ini dapat memiliki teman-teman yang mungkin terbeban mendukungnya. Dan bila ada ide-ide lainnya kami akan sangat senang mendengarkannya.
Hal yang ketiga, saya juga akan senang sekali bila ada rekan-rekan musisi Kristen (dalam jenis musik underground, hiphop, rock,punk,dll) atau artis Kristen (DJ, dancer, pemain drama dll) yang punya hati untuk menjangkau anak-anak subkultur. Saya sangat ingin berkenalan dengan anda atau mungkin ada saudara atau teman, saya akan sangat bersyukur bila dapat berkenalan.
Hal yang keempat, di dalam memulai pelayanan ini saya tidak memiliki sponsor dari gereja ataupun organisasi apa pun, maka kami memutuskan untuk mencoba sebuah self support ministry atau menjadi "tentmaker" seperti Paulus, bekerja membuat tenda untuk mencukupi pelayanannya sendiri (Kis 18:3). Kami ingin bergerak di dalam penjualan pakaian atau clothing, bagi saudara-saudara seiman yang memiliki usaha sejenis itu (distro umpamanya), saya sedang memikirkan bila kita dapat menjadi rekanan. Atau bila ada saudara-saudara seiman lain yang memiliki masukan-masukan, kami sangat terbuka untuk mendengarkannya. 19 tahun terakhir ini saya full time di dunia pelayanan, jadi tentunya saya juga harus banyak belajar dari anda yang mungkin punya pengalaman lebih banyak di dunia entrepreneurship.
Ok, sampai di sini dulu isi surat saya, hambaNya bagi kaum yang
terbuang. God bless you.

Dave Broos

Surat dari Dunia Jalanan

Dear Friends and family in Christ,

Thank's untuk semua saudara seiman yang sudah memberikan respon pada apa yang sedang kami lakukan saat ini. Kami sangat membutuhkan saudara-saudara seiman sebagai pendoa dan sahabat bagi kami. Melakukan perintisan pelayanan atau gereja bagi para anak subkultur bukanlah hal yang mudah oleh sebab itu kami perlu anda sebagai pendukung kami di dalam doa dan juga teman untuk saling berbagi di dalam suka
maupun duka.

Sebuah kisah apa yang terjadi di jalanan hendak saya coba untuk bagikan ; Seorang anak jalanan yang sudah hampir dua puluh tahun hidup di jalan menuturkan pengalamannya pergi dari rumah. Katanya waktu kecil ia banyak ngeluyur dibanding sekolah, lebih banyak bermain dari pada belajar. Akibatnya, teman-temannya sudah naik ke kelas tiga ia masih saja duduk dibangku kelas satu. Buat sebagian anak pergi ke sekolah tidaklah selalu berarti pengalaman yang menyenangkan. Seorang anak lain N bila mengingat sekolah maka yang muncul adalah gurunya yang galak dan tubuhnya yang menjadi sasaran sabetan. Katanya:
Waktu saya sekolah saya digebugin karena di sekolah saya goblog. Di bawa ke kantor karena.sering nonton TV lalu disuruh membaca di papan tulis tidak bisa. Di sabet badanku. Pak guru saya galak. Lalu saya keluar kelas tiga.

Keadaan murid-murid bermasalah seperti itu biasanya dilaporkan oleh guru kepada orang tua murid. Laporan itu bisa menjadi penyulut kemarahan orang tua. Seperti yang dituturkan H:
Pak guru saya sering datang menemui orang tua saya menceritakan keadaan saya. Saya dimarahi bapak tidak hanya dengan suara tetapi juga digebugi pakai sapu lidi sampai merah kaki saya.

Berbagai penyuluhan, berita TV dan radio secara bertubi-tubi telah mengajar para orang tua memlaui pembatinan bahwa anak yang baik adalah anak sekolahan. Karena itu wajar saja bila guru tidak mampu lagi mendidik anaknya, maka orang tualah yang akan meng(H)ajar anaknya. Hasilnya seperti H dan N lari meninggalkan rumah.

Ketika pertama kali hadir di jalan, seorang anak menjadi anonim. Ia tidak mengenal dan dikenal oleh siapapun. Selain itu juga ada perasan kuatir bila orang lain mengetahui siapa dirinya. Tidaklah mengherankan bila strategi yang kemudian digunakan adalah dengan
mengganti nama. Hampir semua anak yang saya kenal mengganti nama.
Hal ini dilakukan untuk menjaga jarak dengan masa lalunya sekaligus masuk dalam masa kekiniannya.

Anak-anak mulai memasuki dunia jalanan dengan nama barunya. Anak- anak yang berasal dari daerah pedesaan menggganti dengan nama-nama yang dianggap sebagai nama "modern" yang diambil dari bintang sinotren atau yang yang biasa didengarnya misalnya dengan nama Andi, Roy dan semacamnya. Seorang anak yang bernama Mohammad kemudian mengganti namanya menjadi Roni. Alasan yang diberikan karena
Mohammad adalah nama nabi. Nama itu tidak cocok dengan kehidupan di jalan. Karena yang dilakukan di jalan banyak tindakan haram.
Proses penggantian sebutan itu dengan sendirinya menunjukkan bahwa ia bukan sekedar pergantian panggilan saja tetapi juga sebagai sarana menanggalkan masa lalunya. Artinya ia dalah bagian dari proses untuk memasuki satu dunia (tafsir) baru. Sebuah kehidupan
yang merupakan konstruksi dari pengalaman sehari-hari di jalan.

Kami mendedikasikan diri untuk menjangkau orang yang terbuang dan anak-anak malam hingga merekapun dapat tinggal " dibawah bayang- bayang salib"(The shadow of the cross) alias mengenal Kristus.

Bagi mereka yang telah menjadi bagian dari kaum subkultur selama bertahun tahun lamanya dan lalu telah keluar dari sana menjadi seorang Kristen….menjadi seorang Kristen namun tetap berada dalam budaya subkultur nampak mustahil untuk dilakukan tanpa bersinggungan dengan otoritas dan ikatan kegelapan yang ada dalam "Lembah
Kekelaman". Ada begitu BANYAK hal yang mengikat kaum subkultur yang HARUS dipatahkan dengan mulai melayani Kristus. Kehidupan kita harus selaras dengan Firman Tuhan, atau kita akan hidup terus menerus di dalam ikatan itu sendiri, bagi seorang Kristen apa yang tidak mempermuliakan Tuhan, itu berasal dari kedagingan.

Ada beberapa contoh hal atau ajaran yang mempengaruhi pola pikir dan tindak tanduk orang kebanyakan tanpa mereka sadari dari berbagai media yang tersedia yang sehari-hari mereka lihat, dengar dan baca seperti :

New Age, Neo-paganism (penyembahan berhala modern), Vampirism, Druidism ( agama kuno di daratan Eropa sebelum kekristenan masuk), Necromancy (ramalan), Hawa Nafsu, Homoseksual, Seks yang tak wajar (sekalipun dalam pernikahan), Seks (di luar pernikahan), Pembunuhan, Mengejek, Bunuh diri, Narkoba, Mabuk-mabukan, Melukai diri sendiri, Wicca (sebuah bidat penyembah berhala), Paganism, Witchcraft (ilmu
sihir), kemarahan, kebencian, anarkisme, aborsi dll. Hal ini semua bertentangan dengan kehendak Tuhan. SEMUA INI HARUS DISERAHKAN DAN DIPATAHKAN DENGAN MELAYANI (MENGHAMBAKAN DIRI) PADA TUHAN DENGAN
SEGENAP HATI KITA. Seorang yang sungguh-sungguh merupakan pengikut Tuhan tidak melakukan semua hal itu.

Seringkali kami mengekspresikan diri persekutuan kami dalam bentuk jemaat mula-mula, sebuah warisan yang sangat memperkaya iman kami.
Dari seni sampai pada musik, dari penyembahan sampai pada doa, kami memiliki sejarah yang memberikan sebuah inspirasi bagi generasi yang baru untuk datang padaNya secara apa adanya dan be simple. Kami lebih menekankan pada hubungan kekeluargaan, pemuridan dan "be the church", dalam praktik gereja yang kami rintis di dalam Tuhan.

Kami sangat antusias membina hubungan dengan semua saudara seiman yang "care" (peduli) dengan menyelesaikan tugas Amanat Agung, terimakasih atas dukungannya, support melalui kata-kata motivasi dan share suka duka pelayanan di jalanan atau pun perihal keprihatinan kondisi gereja saat ini. Kami sadar kami tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa tanpa dukungan dari seluruh rekan saudara seiman di blog ini. God bless you, all.

Ps. Dave Broos

Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

Freedom to Act Against Ourselves

Freedom to Act Against Ourselves by Robert Ricciardelli
Father is increasingly bringing His government upon the earth to quicken mankind towards His image and intentions. It is time to assess and discuss the complex aspect of human behavior from a Kingdom perspective. I pray we ask the Lord often to reveal to us what needs to be known - that which may be hidden, and help us to receive it, and implement it in our lives for His glory.

The Gospel of the Kingdom is the redemptive manner in which God intends for His Will to be accomplished in the earth. This, in itself, should alert us to the misappropriation of prevailing messages of the “preparing us for heaven” gospel. Yes thankfully heaven is in the mix, but the place called heaven is for later while the work of spreading heaven on earth is present and ongoing.

This Kingdom is more than the redemptive act accomplished in the Person of Christ, resulting in our going to heaven. We are thankful for redemption, but we cannot remain stuck there, waiting on Him or heaven, while all the while, He is waiting on us. He has empowered us with His Spirit and therefore the power of heaven is within us. No more hanging on for Jesus to return when He is hanging out with us to occupy until He comes.

The sheer weight of the word Kingdom carries governmental connotation, which lovingly demands a behavioral response from us. Christ presented and demonstrated a “Father pleasing” life that is beyond doctrine and rituals. There must be a response to the declarations of, “The Kingdom of God, is at hand, and The Kingdom of God is within you, and I hear the echoes of Apostle Paul’s cry of laboring until Christ becomes fully formed in us.

New Birth beyond the “heaven and hell” destination
Most of us have read the Bible with the lens of being born again and going to heaven as the final prize. And then collecting many more into our buildings to sing “I’ll fly away”, while expecting the world to “fry away” anytime soon. Being born of the Spirit has always been only the entrance into the Kingdom of God, which is the living realm of being Spirit filled attractors of His heavenly essence upon the earth. The end game of heaven for each of us will come, but now while we are here, we bring the power and presence of God through our natural lives. This season for us is just getting started, and the first step is to begin to shed our religious ways, that many times distracts us. Darkness in each of us needs to exposed and expelled so that more of His light and nature can flow from us.

The new birth represents the coming out of darkness and being reborn into the Kingdom sphere of Agape and Light. When this occurs, I am empowered with Kingdom understanding, and am free to act against myself or the nature of self.

The new birth is Father’s insemination of His eternal seed to each person who receives and embraces Christ.

John 1:12 But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.

It communicates the essence of the New Creation by restoring to me eternal Life, and being raised up in the form of His Agape. This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! This is indeed, that which was taken from us in the transgression of Man and now restored to us in the Last “Son of Man”. As His children we once again have the “God in us” potential to be human as God intended. His Life, given to me is that which enables me to act against myself, since my life is not my own, and since now I have chosen to live as a Father pleaser.

God is Love and Christ appeared as Love Incarnate for the sole purpose or rather, the specific purpose of being the one that could and did act against Himself. This He did for the single purpose of bringing in a new creation, one that is capable of acting against self in order to live as Him for the world. His life showed the way and His death and resurrection secured the way for all of us.

That purpose is stated in Heb 8:10: I come to do Thy will, O God. This, of course, is restated in the encounter at Gethsemane: Not my will, but Yours be done. We can now see the manner in which Father intends for His will to be accomplished on the earth through us who also say, “Father, not my will, but yours be done in my life.” Becoming incarnate ambassadors of God’s nature, which is Agape love, is His will for us.

The activated ingredients of His nature are present and revealed through His children. Many have said a prayer without revelation and the actuality of becoming an empowered follower Jesus and His ways. As Christ is becoming fully formed in us through becoming disciples of His way, truth, and life, His nature will increasingly and supernaturally be revealed. Living a life that Father intends for each of us is the evidence of the power of God within us. This is not works based on anything but an outward flow of His agape nature in us. Religion has rules to follow that create a form of godliness, but it falls far short of His power, His glory, and cannot be sustained.

So we live under His governance and His Kingdom government has no end. Nations will continue to rise and fall, but His Kingdom will continue to come while His people rise up as Kingdomized servants who carry the hope for humanity. These are exciting times, as the opportunity to present everlasting hope has never been better. We have the freedom through Christ to put down our nature, and living in His nature. There is no greater measurement to our daily living than how much we love our Father, and love others. You have come a long way baby, so have I, and we got a long way to go. But He is with us, and the gates of he shall not prevail against us, or His Eternal Kingdom.

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010


(Shadow of The Cross Indonesia – A Ministry of Eagles Nest Ministries)

Beberapa rekan bertanya, “Mengapa kamu mau membuat clothing Dave?” “Mengapa sekarang kamu terlibat dalam dunia seni dan entertainment?”
Ada beberapa alasan namun alasan paling mendasar adalah kesedihan hati saya melihat brand atau merk dagang dan tulisan-tulisan yang mencitrakan nilai-nilai yang dipercayai oleh produsennya, entah ia secara sadar atau tidak mengizinkan tulisan itu ada di sana.
Sebagai contoh salah satu brand clothing distro terkenal di Bandung :

Kerinduan hati saya adalah “memerangi nilai” yang salah dan menanamkan nila-nilai kebenaran melalui dunia mode.
Ada banyak cara untuk menanamkan nilai kebenaran pada saat ini, cara-cara konvensional mungkin sudah kurang populer di kalangan orang muda. Pada saat ini ada begitu banyak orangtua yang kebingungan melihat tingkah polah anak-anak mereka, bahkan anak-anak para rohaniwan pun terkena imbas perkembangan zaman ini.
Salah satu cara kami untuk menanggapi dan menghadapi arus perubahan zaman ini adalah dengan membuat usaha clothing. Clothing yang memiliki nilai kristiani namun dapat diterima oleh masyarakat umum. Kami memperhatikan banyak clothing company kristiani yang tidak memberikan yang terbaik. Seringkali harganya mahal, tetapi tidak disertai dengan kualitas kain t-shirt maupun desain yang monoton. Kami memiliki kerinduan untuk mengembangkan bukan hanya clothing tetapi juga art atau seni dalam dunia kekristenan.
Saya melihat ada begitu banyak cara untuk masuk bagi kita sebagai anak Tuhan sebagai “garam dan terang” di tengah masyarakat dengan terlibat di dalam dunia mode atau clothing, maupun seni dan hiburan. Kami datang bukan untuk menjadikan seseorang beralih agama tetapi memperkenalkan setiap orang kepada Kristus. Agama Kristen tidak akan merubah seseorang tetapi pribadi Kristus akan merubah setiap orang yang percaya padaNya. Tolok ukur kekristenan bukanlah KTP-nya atau kerajinannya mengikuti setiap acara atau tata ibadaha dalam gereja, tetapi ketaatannya terhadap setiap kebenaran firman Tuhan.
Bagi Anda yang tertarik pada perkembangan mode, clothing, seni dan entertainment sebagai alat untuk menjangkau dunia. Dapat menghubungi kami melalui email God bless you.

Minggu, 25 April 2010




Shadow of the Cross, merupakan sebuah pelayanan penjangkauan, pemuridan dan penanaman gereja bagi kaum subkultur. Apakah kaum subkultur? Kaum subkultur merupakan suatu “suku” yang terlahir dari suku yang sudah eksis dalam sebuah kota dimana mereka menjadi komunitas tersendiri, memiliki filosofi tersendiri dan budayanya sendiri. Di perkotaan kita mengenal mereka sebagai komunitas Underground, Gothic, Punk, Skaters, Bikers, Tattoo, Body Piercing, dstnya.
Sudah ada banyak pelayanan missi yang fokus menjangkau suku terabaikan namun masih jarang yang secara serius menangani komunitas-komunitas suku terabaikan diperkotaan ini. Seringkali bagian dari komunitas ini mengalami dan merasakan penolakan bila mereka menghadiri ibadah gereja pada umumnya. Kami percaya bahwa Tuhan Yesus juga mengasihi mereka dan menerima mereka juga sebagai anak-anakNya. Gereja kita saat ini tanpa sadar sudah memiliki stereo-type, siapa yang dapat beribadah dengan kita. Bila ada pasangan suami istri yang berkopiah dan berkerudung masuk ikut beribadah kita sudah mulai kasak-kusuk mempertanyakan mengapa orang berpakaian seperti itu masuk dalam gereja jangan-jangan “mata-mata”. Apalagi kalau yang masuk sekumpulan anak Punk dengan potongan rambut Mohawknya yang berwarna-warni, jaket jeans yang lusuh dan dipenuhi spike (paku hiasan). Bagian usher atau bahkan satpam akan melarang bahkan mengusir mereka dari ibadah sebab takut mereka akan melakukan tindak kriminal.
Kami banyak melayani dan menemukan orang-orang dari subkultur ini yang sebenarnya mencari kebenaran, haus dan lapar akan Tuhan namun enggan pergi ke gereja sebab sudah berulangkali mengalami penolakan. Lalu bagaimana sikap kita? Apakah kita sebagai gereja Tuhan enggan bersentuhan dengan mereka sebab penampilan dan gaya hidup mereka? Kita selalu berdoa agar Tuhan memberikan jiwa-jiwa baru tetapi ketika “kaum ini” datang kita menolaknya sebab “mungkin” kita tidak mengharapkan mereka yang datang, “mungkin” kita berharap konglomerat yang bertobat dan menjadi bagian kita. Yah, “mungkin”.
Shadow of the Cross, hadir untuk melayani kaum marginal di dalam masyarakat. Kerinduan kami adalah menghadirkan gereja di tengah mereka, memperkenalkan kasih Bapa yang sempurna dan menjadi saudara mereka dalam perjalanan kerohanian mereka.
Apa yang kami kerjakan bukanlah pelayanan yang populer, banyak yang menyatakan untuk apa melayani “kaum yang sulit ini”. Kaum yang pemberontak, anti kemapanan dan tidak dapat memberikan “income” bagi yang melayaninya. Bila kami meresponi panggilan ini sebab kami melihat bahwa mereka juga memiliki hak untuk mendengarkan Kabar Baik dan pengharapan yang telah dibukakan oleh Tuhan Yesus. Kami tahu rata-rata mereka adalah anak muda (orang berjiwa muda) yang tinggal dan hidup di jalanan, jadi jelas mereka bukanlah kaum borjuis. Kami melayani dengan hati yang tulus dan bukan karena uang yang dapat kami hasilkan melalui pelayanan. Kami melangkah dengan iman, bila Tuhan yang menghendaki kami melayani mereka, IA pula yang akan cukupkan kebutuhan kami. Kami tidak memiliki fasilitas apa-apa, tetapi kami punya hati untuk melayani. Entah ada donatur atau tidak, yang kami tahu dan percaya adalah Tuhan ada serta kami.
Kami tidak meminta uang Anda melalui surat ini, tetapi dukunglah kami di dalam doa agar kami tetap setia melayani kaum yang “sulit” ini dengan hati yang penuh belaskasihan dan diberikan hikmat untuk membawa mereka dalam pengenalan akan Tuhan Yesus secara lebih mendalam.
Terimakasih sudah membaca surat kami ini, Tuhan Yesus memberkati.

Dave Broos

“Gembala kaum yang terbuang”

Minggu, 04 April 2010

How the Resurrection Broke Eden’s Curse

How the Resurrection Broke Eden’s Curse
By Lee Grady

Sin began in a garden. Thousands of years later, Jesus Christ stood in another garden and announced His ultimate victory.

The Easter story has many amazing scenes: Jesus' last Passover meal with His disciples, His arrest and brutal scourging, His crucifixion between two criminals, and the dramatic darkness that fell on Jerusalem at the moment of His death. But my favorite part of the story is when Mary Magdalene peered inside Jesus' tomb on that resurrection morning. John 20:11-12 describes it this way:

"But Mary was standing outside the tomb weeping; and so, as she wept, she stooped and looked into the tomb; and she saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head and one at the feet, where the body of Jesus had been lying" (NASB).
"The death and resurrection of Jesus brought a great reversal. While Genesis 3 brought pain, slavery to sin and alienation from God's presence, John 20 brought healing, deliverance and full restoration of fellowship with the Son of God.""

The two angels were poised at the head and foot of Jesus' grave. Does this remind you of anything familiar? These heavenly creatures must have looked exactly like the cherubim that decorated the cover of the ark of the covenant—the golden box that housed the very presence of God in the tabernacle of Moses.

That ancient ark was hidden behind a veil. Under the rules of the old covenant the manifest presence of God was off-limits to people. Sinful men and women had to stand at a distance, and only the high priest could enter the holy of holies once a year to make atonement.

Yet on Easter morning, after the Lamb of God had been sacrificed on Calvary's cross, the stone covering Christ's tomb was rolled away to reveal this profound sight. The two angels appeared on top of His grave to show us that the glory of God was now accessible to us. Under the new covenant, we can run to the mercy seat!

But there is so much more to discover in this account of Mary's encounter with the risen Christ. John 20 can only be understood if you compare it with the story of the fall of man in Genesis 3. Notice the similarities:

1. There were two gardens. Man's fall occurred in the Garden of Eden—a place of intimate fellowship with God. After Adam and Eve disobeyed, the Lord cursed the ground and banished them from paradise. Yet on Easter Sunday, Christ appeared in a garden (see John 19:41) to remind us that now, because of His redemption, intimate fellowship with God is available again. He reopened the doors to Eden.

2. There were two women. Sin entered the world when a serpent deceived the first woman, Eve. But on Easter Sunday, after Christ had defeated Satan through His atoning death, He first appeared to a woman—one who had previously been in bondage to Satan's demons (Luke 8:2 says Jesus previously had cast seven demons out of her). Her life reminds us that Jesus offers us total deliverance from the bondage of our past.

3. There were two gardeners. In the story of the fall, Eve and her husband, Adam—the tender of Eden—rebelled against God after she was deceived. Yet on Easter morning, Mary Magdalene met a man outside the tomb whom she thought was the gardener. When she realized it was Jesus she exclaimed, "Rabboni!" and began to embrace Him. The woman in the second story is not with Adam; she is with Christ, "the last Adam." We now have this promise: "For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive" (1 Cor. 15:22).

4. There were two sets of angels. After Adam and Eve fell into sin, God posted the cherubim with a flaming sword east of paradise to keep mankind out (see Gen. 3:24). Yet on Easter morning, the angels appeared in the garden not to banish man from God's presence but to invite us to behold the risen Messiah.

Why are there so many parallels in these two stories? The Holy Spirit wants us to know that in God's great plan of redemption He unraveled Eden's curse. The death and resurrection of Jesus brought a great reversal. While Genesis 3 brought pain, slavery to sin and alienation from God's presence, John 20 brought healing, deliverance and full restoration of fellowship with the Son of God.

As we celebrate Easter this weekend, I pray you will have a John 20 encounter. I challenge you to peer into the opened tomb and behold Him like you never have before. Remember: The stone has been rolled away. The angels now invite us to approach the mercy seat and behold the indescribable glory of our risen Savior.
J. Lee Grady served as editor of Charisma for 11 years and is now contributing editor. His new book, The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale, is now in stores.

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Get Real, Get Right, For the Next Generation!

Get Real, Get Right, For the Next Generation!
By Robert Ricciardelli

What The Young Leaders of This Next Generation Need.

I was able to spend a weekend recently with a group of 92 men of valor. Their ages ranged from about 18- 70, and they represented more than 10 nations. It was a safe environment for all to come together in a deep relational way to discuss the issues of today, the church of today, and the direction we need to be moving towards for tomorrow.

I particularly took notice of the leaders in the generation that is coming up after me. They are passionate, and they are committed to living a life for God’s glory. They are radically in love with Jesus, and just as radical about changing the impotent ways of what they perceive about today’s Christianity. They want to be a part of birthing real communities that increasingly look more like family, and less like corporate America.

I also was amazed at how talented these young men were and how equally they were wrapped with humility. One has preached in over 450 cities around the world, and yet was amazed at Father’s continual use of Him. This young man has no formal Bible education, He just knows Jesus. He does not have degrees or pedigrees, but He is filled with the Spirit of God. Even at a young age, this man has been wrecked in a great way for the Kingdom of God.

Here are just a few of my take-aways from our time together…

They just want to be heard!
This generation carries a much-needed voice for today. We need to hear the sound of God through their perspective worldviews. They are not perfect, but are being perfected. They remind me of David’s 400 men, who all at some level had been marginalized or had lives of no reputation. The Holy Spirit inspired each of them for the King and the Kingdom, much like these young leaders of today.

Servant Leadership
This generation of leaders is not enamored by stardom, but by righteousness, authenticity, and humility towards God and mankind. Many of them commented that they do not look up to leaders who desire “Superstar Status”. They do not want to be viewed as merely armor bearers, because they have their own purpose, and want to engage in the battle. They want to walk beside those they can learn from, and fight alongside them the good fight of faith. They will serve leaders that seek to serve and not seek to be served.

Authentic Fathers
Many of these men are looking for fathers of the faith that will be real with them. They want dialogue, they want the truth expressed through real relationship, and not some religious hierarchical chain of command. They want leaders to answer questions that they may be afraid to ask. They desire intimacy with leaders who live transparent lives that manifest the idea, “Into me You See”

Kingdomized Gender Equality
The married men grasped the fact that their wives were partners in every possible way for the Kingdom. In some cases their wives might even have a greater public voice or influence than themselves, and they were okay with God’s will in such matters. John Wayne is not their hero, Jesus is, and Jesus gave women the right to be and to do all the things God may call a man to do. In the Kingdom of God there is no male or female, but obedience and recognition of each one’s calling and assignments. These men get this. The single men there are trusting God to reveal their partners one day, and have the heart to allow their partner to flourish in all the things of God.

Another quality I observed was the amazing ability to honor those in authority, but with an incredible lack of fear towards men in authority. There was honor and yet little fear. One young man was also writing a biblical research paper to one of his mentors to challenge some paradigms and ways that may not be God’s best. They do not fear tomorrow. They are passionate about how the Father may use them to bring solutions to humanity in whatever part of the world the Lord sends them into.

Our Father is speaking to fathers
We all must do everything we can to embrace the young men and women who will lead the future generations. Some final thoughts:

* We must repent if we have gotten in God’s way in how we have related and imparted to them
* We must set a new course in how we relate with them going forward.
* God is making it clear that He only wants one Superstar, and that is His Son Jesus. All other Superstars, please step down. God has proven that He can make a way for you to step down if you need it, but please listen to His voice today and step down.
* Remove the fear of man from your life, ask the Lord and seek wise counsel if necessary.
* Have a righteous fear of God, and only obey His voice for the training of these young leaders.
* Ask the Lord for His perspectives regarding how you may be choosing those you are working with. Have you disregarded some based on human understanding?
* Do all for the glory of God and remove all hidden agenda’s.

Senin, 08 Maret 2010

The One Answer I Never Expected

The One Answer I Never Expected
By James Ryle

“All things work together for good for those who love God and are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

There was a question that had lingered for years in the back of my mind, and I knew that my father was the only person who could answer it. And when the opportunity came for me to ask him, his reply was the one answer I never expected.

Here is today’s excerpt out of Released From the Prison My Father Built.

“Dad, which prison were you in?”

“I was in the Central Unit,” he replied, unaware of all that was lingering behind my question. The moment I heard his answer my countenance dropped. It was not the same prison unit I had been in. I had thought for sure it was going to be the same, and had envisioned preaching rousing sermons about being in the same prison that your father was in; you know, the old “like father, like son” thing. But none of this mattered now. His answer changed all that.

“Which prison were you in?” he then asked me, not knowing how my mind was racing.

Somewhat dejected I replied, “I was in the Ferguson Unit, near Midway, Texas; just down a ways from Huntsville.”

My dad’s expression changed immediately. He went from being curious, to being stunned. His mouth dropped open, and he looked at me in disbelief. Gathering himself he then said the words that would forever mark my life.

“Dear God, son, I built that prison.”

“What?” I replied, “What do you mean, you built it?”

“They used prison labor to build the Ferguson Unit,” dad answered. “I was the welder on the work crew. I welded the bars when that prison was built.”

As dad’s words hung there in the air, the Lord Jesus spoke to my heart, “James, I have set you free from the prison your father built. Now I will use you to set others free from prisons their fathers have built. Go home to your friends and tell them what great things I have done. Tell them how all things work together for good for those who love Me and are called according to My purpose.”

My mind raced back over the years and grappled with the astounding thought that the Lord had somehow orchestrated this entire matter. No, He didn’t make my dad a robber, nor did He make me a drug dealer; and the tragic wreck wasn’t His doing, it was mine. And He didn’t want me to run away from the orphanage, but I did it anyway.

God does no evil to any man; rather, He is the God who works all things after the counsel of His will; the God who works all things – yes, even bad things – together for good for those who answer the call to His higher purpose for their lives. And He had been at work in my life all those years even though I didn’t know it.

I sat there amazed, and am still so to this very day. My father welded the bars of my prison. How extraordinary is that? From one point of view it is very extraordinary. I mean, what are the chances of that ever happening to anybody? Extraordinary indeed.

But, from another point of view it is rather ordinary; in fact, it is sadly common. Virtually everywhere in today’s world there are sons and daughters in prisons of one kind or another, which their fathers have built. Prisons of fear, addiction, rage, hatred, ignorance, shame, and confusion; just to name a few.

A dad mistreats or neglects a trusting child, and the strike upon that tender soul is as solid and lasting as the iron bars that were welded by the heat of my father’s torch. A cruel word spoken in anger, a nickname given in jest, a rebuke blurted out in public or a cold shoulder in time of need – these mindless acts of senseless dads forge the framework of solitary confinement for boys and girls the world over. And the vicious cycle repeats as these wounded children become broken parents with “welding torches” in their hands, passing on the torment to yet another generation of unsuspecting kids.

A father’s influence in his children’s lives is powerful and inevitable, whether for good or for bad. This fact has been repeated throughout history time and time again.” (Excerpt from pg.21-23, Released From the Prison My Father Built, James Ryle, 2010) Get Your Copy Today

Senin, 22 Februari 2010

Either Heaven or Hell

Either Heaven or Hell
By Francis Frangipane

Since the massive 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, news images of the apocalyptic destruction have stirred intense prayer in me for Haiti. I know I am not alone. I'm convinced that, worldwide, multitudes have been similarly compelled to pray for Haiti. Consider: its capitol city, Port-au-Prince, experienced the deaths of over 225,000 people. This staggering natural disaster is the worst to hit the Americas in recorded history.

We must keep the focus of Haiti in our prayers. If we fail to respond appropriately, certainly hell itself will swallow up this nation. Conversely, when a great need, such as exists currently in Haiti, is answered by great prayer, great things will eventually occur. Thus, I believe the potential for significant breakthroughs exists in Haiti's future, even the hope of a spiritual awakening.

Yes, we have all heard of the voodoo and the curses upon Haiti - and I will offer some thoughts about this in my next mailing - but let me assure you there is a church in Haiti with whom the Lord is pleased. Indeed, even as we beheld the great devastation, and as we saw inconsolably distraught Haitians sitting with their dead and dying, there was something else to witness in this disaster. Against the backdrop of severe national trauma, media cameras turned toward another group of Haitians. These were people of faith, Haitian Christians. Their hands and faces uplifted, singing hymns of praise to God. In absolute defiance of their hellish circumstances, we saw men, women and children worshiping the Almighty.

I was so proud of my Haitian brothers and sisters in Christ; at the same time, I was also deeply humbled by the depth of their character. Those who were, perhaps, considered "last" in the eyes of man, God has esteemed and lifted as first. He has showcased their faith. Their remarkable trust in Him has become an unceasing witness of God's grace to the world, both the saved and unsaved. I cannot remember seeing anything more powerful in recent years.

So let us honor and thank God for the Haitian Christians for their obedience to Christ. Let us also thank God for the small army of first responders who have fearlessly and compassionately committed themselves to Haiti's redemption.

Finally, to all, in our world of rapidly changing priorities, let us not allow our hearts to soon forget the people of Haiti. This is an urgent hour. We must stand in the gap until victory rises from the ashes of this devastation. Please keep giving, but give in faith that God will bring a great awakening to these people. Keep praying, but pray with vision that godly leaders will arise, and that integrity and wisdom will preside over the rebuilding of Haiti. Yes, let us pray for God's will to be done on earth, in Haiti, as it is in Heaven, for either Heaven or hell will manifest on Haiti's streets.

Minggu, 07 Februari 2010

"Hidden Agenda"

Giant Number Five - "Hidden Agenda"
By Bob Mumford

These men are hidden reefs in your love feasts. Jude 12

Hidden Agendas are covered with words of peace and a heart of criticism. Similar to a snowball covered rock, it appears to be one thing, but when it unexpectedly hits someone, they are devastated. With this Giant in operation, we lie in ambush with undisclosed motives, watching for weakness and vulnerability, ready to spring the trap, which has been disguised and then set with lies or half-truths. We hide one thing in our hearts while proclaiming another. This Giant is a user; it seeks to use life, people, and every event for the express purpose of advancing our own interests.

In our day, hidden agendas are found everywhere–in social relationships, in politics, on television, and in the pulpit. Of the Seven Giants, Hidden Agenda may be the most destructive to relationships because it destroys unity and joy, violates trust and relational well-being, and sows seeds of rejection and suspicion. A hidden agenda is making up your mind before you go into a council meeting, then sitting through the whole meeting creating the impression that there is unity in the decision-making process. This is dishonoring to others. If we are only seeking someone’s approval for what we have already decided, we have a hidden agenda. Often the agenda itself is cloaked in Bible verses. This helps us see the ubiquitous nature of eros reappearing in ways that only God Himself can detect and destroy.

Some hidden agendas are overt, short term, and obvious; others are subtle, complex, and elaborate and may take years to play out. Judas Iscariot had a hidden agenda. Sayings like “all that glitters is not gold” show the prevalence of Hidden Agenda. When I was teaching at San Quentin Prison, an inmate once referred to Hidden Agenda as “sub-tile trickeration.”

The apostle Paul isolates three hidden agendas: “Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we received mercy, we do not lose heart, but we have renounced the things hidden because of shame, not walking in craftiness or adulterating the word of God, but by the manifestation of truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.” Hidden agendas are maneuvered, cultivated, and nourished in secret, clandestine and often self-deceiving ways. Once engaged, we cannot rest until and unless our hidden agenda has been accomplished. Hidden Agenda requires cultivating negative agreements against others, especially the one who is the target of the agenda. Quietly and efficiently, Hidden Agenda carries out character assassinations through negative agreement.

Analogous conduct of Hidden Agenda: subterfuge, wile, fraud, conniving, cunning, guile, crooked, perverse, twisted, calculating, devious, crafty, manipulative, shrewd, trickery, self-preservation, and double-minded.

• Describe an experience where you encountered someone with a Hidden Agenda. How did you feel?
• Why do you think Hidden Agenda is the most destructive to relationships?
• Explain how someone would use Bible verses to cover their own hidden agenda.

Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

Oiling the Rusty Parts

Oiling the Rusty Parts

There are times when your life feels like a piece of machinery that has become rusty over time. You know that there is a potential for power inside of you, but it seems that each time you step out, that you cannot do what you once did.

You look at your past and the things that you accomplished before and you wonder where the fire and ability went. You consider the experiences that you had in my spirit and the joy you felt and you yearn to have these once again.

My child I have not forsaken you! I have not taken my anointing away from you. You have simply allowed these things of power to become rusted over time. It does not mean that these things no longer work, you have just not put them into practice for some time now.

So as you are looking to me now to rise up once again and to experience my presence once again, you must start turning those things that have become old. Come back in my presence child and let my oil pour over you again.

Come and let me show you the way. Start now by taking your eyes off yourself and looking to others. As you begin to pour out again, the water of life that is inside of you will begin to flow again. For far too long now you have looked only at your own needs and conflicts. This has caused your spirit to dry up and my anointing to wane in your life.

If you hunger to sense my power again, then pour out to others! As you reach out your hand in love, my anointing will come once again and you will feel life in your bones. The rusty parts that have been dormant will begin to turn and they will resonate with a new life in your spirit.

So begin now by submitting to me and then look and see who you can pour out to. Slowly and quickly you will feel that stirring in your spirit again and you will be reminded of the joy you once felt in my presence. Come child and tap into the blessing that I have for you.

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

Closing the Christian Generation Gap

Closing the Christian Generation Gap
By Lee Grady

There's too much awkward silence when it comes to old and young. It's time to start a conversation.

One of my core passions is training younger Christians. Whether I'm doing an online Bible study with a friend overseas or taking a couple of guys with me on a mission trip, relational discipleship has become a priority now that I'm older. Young leaders need more than stuffy talking heads who just preach at them from acrylic pulpits; they want approachable mothers and fathers who will share a meal, listen, ask questions and invite co-equal participation.

Shyju Matthew is a young leader I met last year in India. Based in Bangalore, he serves on the staff at Bethel Assembly of God Church. He's only 24, but Shyju conducts evangelistic events around the globe. He has exceptional maturity and spiritual anointing. Yet he recognizes his need for input from the older generation. In fact, he seeks it out.
"We are often blind to the discrimination that exists between old and young. Ageism is a reality, and it works both ways."

My correspondence with Shyju made me realize that a huge generation gap exists in the American church. In many sectors, old and young simply don't communicate. There has been a serious discipleship breakdown. We're suspicious of each other. Emerging Christian leaders have created their own trendy culture, complete with buzzwords, technological savvy and rock star pastors. And some older leaders are stuck in boring ruts of tradition.
Shyju Matthew

We're drifting apart. I'm concerned that if the generations don't link arms and start working together, this chasm will widen. And the result will be huge lost opportunities for the gospel.

Last weekend Shyju sent me a list of simple questions about life and ministry. He asked if I could e-mail him answers that he could pass on to his friends. Here's a short snippet of our conversation, which I'm sharing in hopes that this kind of dialog can become more common:

Q. What's the most important advice you could share with a young leader?

A. Avoid pride at all costs. Don't let the devil convince you that you are so great. No matter how anointed you are, no matter how many people are healed in your meetings, and no matter how many fans are begging for your autograph, realize that you are young, inexperienced and immature.

Stay humble. Don't ever get to the place that you can't take out the garbage or clean the toilets in the church. The moment you are too "powerful" to do those things is the moment the devil will have you on his leash. This is the main reason leaders fall into moral failure.

If people are trying to make you a Christian celebrity, run the other direction! Don't let that haughty spirit anywhere near you. Jesus was a servant and He washed His disciples' feet. If you can't do that, you have no business being in the ministry.

Q: Who is the one person who most helped to shape your leadership, and how did they help you?

A: I have several mentors. One man, Barry, discipled me when I was a teenager. He hosted a Bible study in his home and spent a lot of time with me during my high school years. Even though he was a busy minister he invested a lot of his time in young people. He is still involved in my life today. He is like a spiritual father. He modeled for me the concept of a Paul/Timothy relationship.

Another mentor, Doug, prays with me about important ministry decisions and is always available for counsel. And I have another close friend, a pastor named Chris, who is both a mentor and an accountability partner. This man knows everything about me, including all my faults and weaknesses. He asks me the "hard questions" about my attitudes, my thought life and my marriage—and he's willing to challenge me. These kinds of relationships are so important if we want to grow spiritually.

Q: Who else has helped shape the way you view life and ministry?

A. I have built some very meaningful relationships with leaders from other nations. One of them is Mosy Madugba, an apostolic leader from Nigeria. Even though he has seen many miracles in his ministry, what caught my attention was his humility. I have also become close to an evangelist from India, Harry Gomes, who is based in Coimbatore. Harry has spoken into my life at key times. He prays for me and has been a huge encouragement. And he has helped me to understand how church leaders outside the United States are thinking. It is so important for us to gain a world perspective. We cannot be effective leaders today if we don't think outside our own cultural context.

I'm praying that this kind of back-and-forth sharing will happen on a wide scale between old and young. We have a lot to learn from each other. (I'm planning to send him my own list of questions because I want to learn from him.)

Most of us recognize the absolute necessity of breaking racial barriers in the church, and a growing number of churches are challenging gender prejudice. Yet we are often blind to the discrimination that exists between old and young. Ageism is a reality, and it works both ways.

When the Holy Spirit was poured out on the early church, Peter declared that both old and young would receive supernatural power. "Your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams," he said, quoting the prophet Joel (Acts 2:17b, NASB). Implied in that promise is the idea that God wants the generations to work together. If we want to experience that same level of anointing today, we must end this awkward stalemate, reach out to each other and bridge the gap.

J. Lee Grady is editor of Charisma. You can find him on Twitter at leegrady. He will be one of many leaders speaking at Empowered 21, a conference designed to bring older and younger Christians together. For more information about Empowered 21, to be held April 8-10 in Tulsa, Okla., click here.

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

The Perfect Solution!

The Perfect Solution!

As a cool gentle breeze on a hot summer day, or a warm fire on a cold winter night, so I am the perfect solution to everything you need says the Lord! For indeed I have come to provide every need for you - not just some.

Many people believe that I will only provide these things when they have walked without sin. Others think that they need to work hard and strive to have me provide for them. But you need to do neither of these things my child. For I love you freely and have come to provide each need that you could have, without expecting anything back.

For just your love for me is enough to make me want to pour out everything! And just your desire to please me makes me want to move my hand in your life. Even though you may fail, it doesn't matter to me! I love you still, for I see your heart.

So my child, what is your need? Are you feeling lonely? I am there to be your friend and someone you can talk to at any time. Are you feeling sad? I know how to comfort and lift you up and make your heart sing and rejoice.

Do you need someone to praise you for your accomplishments? Man will often fail in this, but I will always tell you how great you are doing. Do you feel like nobody accepts you? Though you may have no friends and are rejected by others, know that I love you and accept you just as you are.

So my child, no matter what your situation is right now, come to me and let me meet every need and desire - spiritual, emotional and temporal. Give me your cares and I will carry them for you. Then you can begin to walk in freedom and with joy once more.